Connecting with nature helps us thrive... and nature thrives too!

Connecting with nearby nature can be as simple as looking up at the trees and sky as we go about our day... as gratifying as growing a garden... as wild as wandering with wonder in the woods...

One thing's for sure: we benefit more when we notice and engage with nature rather than just 'spend time in nature.'

If you're looking for ways to joyfully thrive with nearby nature in daily life and easily offer nature experiences to your peeps, you've come to the right place!

Hi! I'm Shelagh Smith, horticultural therapist & research geek. I love creating evidence-based resources to make your nature-connection journey easier and more effective. Allow me to be your nature muse?

Choose your nature adventure below.

  • Enjoy Nearby Nature for Restorative Self-Care

    Savour nearby nature in daily life for moments & minutes at a time. These refreshing breaks can improve your mood, concentration & energy. But how to fit them into your day, create reliable habits, and get the most benefit?

    See more 
  • Share Nature with Your Peeps*

    Offer simple garden & nature programming to your peeps* for health promotion & therapeutic intervention. You don't have to be an experienced gardener or naturalist!

    *peeps: patients, clients, residents, students... colleagues too!

    See more 
  • Discover Sensory Plants & Garden Activity Signs

    Grow a sensory garden that invites nature connection.

    Get my list of 56 sensory plant ideas, and my garden activity signs to encourage engaging with the plants & listening for birds.

    See more 

Featured Freebie

Put up this poster in your workspace to remind you & your colleagues to take nature breaks.

Yes, please!

"Inspire others to take in nature"

“I used the Practicing Self Care poster/flyer with my co-workers for an inservice to help inspire others to take in the nature we are blessed to have in our surroundings.”

Kay Richmond, Recreation Therapist, Cottage Rehabilitation Hospital, Santa Barbara, California

Featured Garden Signs

- Garden Stake Signs -

- Garden Stake Signs -

These garden signs with attached stake are ideal for planting in raised... 

About Me: Shelagh Smith, HTR, MAEEC

I inspire healthcare professionals and caregivers to engage with nearby nature for self-care, and to share this evidence-based practice with their peeps for health promotion and therapeutic intervention. 

I'm a professionally registered Horticultural Therapist and have a Masters degree in Environmental Education and Communication.

More about Shelagh